Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mabon Blessings !!!

Maybon is the second festival in the season of harvest....

It is celebrated when day and night are of equal length,
before the descent into the darkness of winter, hence the word equinox.

It is a time to reflect on the past season,
a time to recognize that the balance of the year has changed,
... summer is over and the winter is coming.

Mabon represents a time of rest after hard work
and a ritual of thanksgiving for the fruits of nature,
...a time to look back on what's been achieved and learned
and to plan for the future.

It maybe a ideal time for us to throw out/clear away unwanted things,
& to get ready to hibernate for the winter.

The Goddess now passes from her Mother to Crone phase,
and with this she offers us wisdom,
and a chance to rest and rejuvenate...

Traditions at this time include dressing the altar with corn,
fruit, and autumn flowers and leaves.

Corn dollies are made from the last sheaf of the harvest
and kept in the house to protect the inhabitants
from evil spirits during the long winter months...
You can do the same~by visiting this page:
Wishing you all a Peaceful & Blessed Mabon, my Friends~
Blessed be!!

So much more to read....