Tuesday, March 19, 2024

~ Vernal Equinox ~

 my little farmwitch is wishing you a
happy 1st day of Spring...

~ Blessed be ~

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

~ a few months past ~


time has passed once again and here I am...

life is happening at a faster rate now that I'm in my 60's ~
and the universe is once again calling me in subtle ways to take more time to notice things.
the spring season will be upon us shortly, as things are beginning to green outside.
my hands need to feel the dirt, and smell the sweet earth that will nourish our old bones and bodies once again.

Garden Time is Near.........



~ Blessed be ~

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

~ tiny things ~

i'm not one for grandiose projects...
in fact ~ the smaller the better.

i stitch small, i sketch and paint small things.

i prefer minute detail to larger,
intentionally pulling folks in for a closer look.

not everything has to be humongous.
or crisply executed either...
a bit of blur, some shaded areas - intentional obscurity.
 using up scraps of parched paper from previous paintings,
i'm enjoying filling them with small worlds from my imagination.
~ Blessed be ~

Thursday, August 24, 2023

~ August Days ~

 ... it is nearing the end of august.
quiet afternoons spent foraging through the fields and woods to find berries, nuts & mushrooms
to fill our larder and hang and dry herbs harvested from now-almost faded gardens.

 sketches and recipes and spells and thoughts
will be written in homemade ink onto
hand-parched paper
 in an effort of trying to keep everything together
for future stolen moments on days where i have a sliver of time to visit them again.

breathing in and clearing and cleansing my soul, my mind, my home, my heart.
brewing teas from spices and flowers, leaves and needles of pine which keep me grounded and calm
when days are not good and could be made better.

soon the pots will bubble, full strewn pine, acorns, nuts and dried fruits and
the fires will be stoked and the house will hug us within her arms of cobwebs, 
wood, paint
dust and memories.

 the pantry shelves will be stocked with jars-ful of summer, 
and in winter i will breathe deeply the scent of earth and humid air trapped inside their glass walls, bringing sun drenched memories flooding again to the present.

...bittersweet days will turn to moon-drenched evenings where we will sit 
alone but together st the burn-pit to listen to the owls calling to us from the deep woods...
warming our boots by the flames licking the tall branches of the ancient black walnut trees, 
planted so many moons-ago by the hands of kindred souls.
the quiet crackling of embers and floating sparks of ash will
bring us home again within ourselves.

..... and we will once again exhale into a new season.
~ Blessed be ~
(*** all photos courtesy of pinterest***)

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

~ The Spring Woods ~

 How I go to the Woods....
by Mary Oliver

"Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone.
...with not a single friend, for they
are all smilers and talkers and therefore,

I don't really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds, 
or hugging the old black oak tree.

I have my way of praying, as no doubt
~ you have yours.

when I am alone, I can become
I can sit on the top of a dune as motionless
as an uprise of weeds,
...until the foxes run by unconcerned.
I can hear the almost unhearable sound of the roses singing.

If you have ever gone into the woods with me,
I must love you very much."

If you love hearing about plants, herbs, nature, and all-sorts of Good Things,
then do visit Good Earth Gatherings on Facebook!

~ Blessed be ~

So much more to read....