Monday, September 28, 2009

Common Household Protection Spells ~

you may think that you're not a 'magickal' person...
quite the contrary...
everyone posesses the power within
to create a safe environment for themselves and family...
let me explain:
simply, every evening, before retiring for the night,
we lock our doors, and secure the windows.
we know that by doing so, our home is safe from intruders ...
your windows are made of glass,
and can be broken with the slightest energy used.
therefore, are you really safe?
in your mind, you can perform simple,
visual techniques to surround your home with positive energies...

you can lay quietly before falling asleep,
and envision your entire home as surrounded by a pulsating white light...
(almost like the commercial shows in the Brink's home security advertisement!)
by doing this, you are connecting yourself to the Universe,
and opening up powerful energy flows to yourself and your home...
as you visualize the light, say something like:
"my home is surrounded by White Light into which nothing may pass"
say this to yourself, almost like a chant, until you fall asleep, and rest...
knowing that you've done something Magickal!!!
~Salt Spell~
Another simple thing you can do for protection, is to purchase some salt
...the kind you put in your shaker...
you will open up the little spout on the top, and,
walking counter-clockwise around the perimeter of your home,
pour the salt, forming a closed circle completely around your house.
while doing this, say:
"As this salt is sprinkled about,
keep the evil spirits out;
Let no danger enter in
Any opening thus herein.
I now invoke the law of three,
This is my Will, so mote it be.
This is a true spell to keep unwanted interlopers from visiting your home.
and boy, does it ever work!
I do this everytime I leave for a show, or when I'll be away from my family for a short time...
(I've had my hubby tell me that not even the UPS guy visited while I was gone,
and that's amazing in & of itself! LOL!!!)
A Witch Bottle
is also a great way of adding an extra bit of OOOmph to your casting...
a Witch bottle is an old bottle that is filled with sharp objects, that has been intended and magickally charged for the protection from harm...
I use them frequently in my home, and I also custom make them for my clients.
they can be worn or simply hung about the house...their small size makes them discreet!
and finally,
here's an Ancient spell that will protect your home from foul weather,
fire and thieves...
write the following on a small square piece of paper, and hang it in your home:
some pretty strong magick there folks!...I guarantee this one!
Hoping your day is filled with White light, Creativity and Prosperity!
Blessed be,

So much more to read....