tangled vines....
tangled vines....
Woodsmoke & Twilight
(no...not the movie)
Impromptu costumes put together at the last minute....
(no...not the movie)
Impromptu costumes put together at the last minute....
burnt-cork beards and bandana pirate/gypsy scarves
pillow cases laden with candy,
dragging along the ground....
dragging along the ground....
sugar-highs & belly aches...
the smell of fresh rain on newly fallen oak leaves....
welcoming porchlights glowing through ancient tree limbs
Graveyard hide-n-seek
home-made fudge and candy corn...
home-made fudge and candy corn...
hot apple cider laced with nutmeg and cinnamon.
Plaid skirts and wool socks and baskets woven from ash...
Crows in the corn and stew on the stove....
Falling asleep to the sound of the wind through bare branches on an October's night.
"October gave a party;
the leaves by hundreds came...
the Chestnuts, Oaks and Maples
and leaves of Every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
& everything was grand ~
Miss Weather led the Dancing,
...Professor Wind,
the Band..."
the leaves by hundreds came...
the Chestnuts, Oaks and Maples
and leaves of Every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
& everything was grand ~
Miss Weather led the Dancing,
...Professor Wind,
the Band..."
Blessed be!