Sunday, October 18, 2009

Food to Die for:

Living so close to Lynchburg, VA is really neat,
with all of it's history and beautiful architecture..
but amid the hustle-bustle of this old city,
sets green acres of beautiful gardens of antique plantings,
and um...people.
the Old City Cemetary
is a wonderful place to visit...
our family first happened upon it when we moved here some 6 years ago.
we had always been interested in the history of the Civil War and had done much reenacting while living in it was great to find out that the cemetary held an annual event on memorial day for the confederate soldiers killed during the battles...
Once we got to the cemetary, we realized that it was a city-within-a-city.
streets, buildings, a funerary museum, scheduled walks, and oh,...the gardens.

Some of the plantings in the gardens are as old as the graves themselves, brought it by mourning family members and friends, and the keepers & caretakers of the cemetary have worked hard to keep the plantings alive...
Humongouse rosemary bushes, lavender bushes and ancient roses line the stone walls and bring a park-like setting to the headstones planted among them...
it truly is a special place, an honor to be buried among such beauty...
the caretakers decided that by bringing in honeybees, they would help to propogate the plantings...boy were they ever right!
the committees then decided to sell the honey from said bees, to help raise funds for the maintenance of the buildings/museum...and thusly, "Honey to Die For" was created...
along with the honey, one smart cookie went even further to write a cookbook of sorts, which contains funeral-foods, customs, epitaphs etc...
this book is called "Food to Die For" and is available for sale to the publick.
I've recently been gifted with said book, and LOVE it!

so, here's the link to the Old City Cemetary,
for those that wish to look into it a bit further, plan a trip or just buy the book:
If you're ever in my neck of the woods,
perhaps we can go visit the city...
and the Grave Garden.
Blessed be!

So much more to read....