Sunday, August 25, 2019

~ Moonflowers & Moths ~



At long last! The Sun’s a-bed!
And the Evening Star begins the appointed rounds.
Soon a company of stars, like crystal sentries,
Will take their positions in the Black-Velvet Sky—
And await the Queen of the Night to ascend.

Riding high in the Harvest Sky,
The Mother Moon—Lady of the Night—
Casts her bewitching beams like a Spell
Over the slumbering garden,
Transforming purple shadows into Amethyst Dreams.

Born of the Earth, we spiral to the Heavens,
Winding enchantments of Loneliness and Silence.
Drawing down the Lady’s Light,
Hypnotic unfurling from silvery beams,
Opening the Stars of our Centers!

Like miniature moons, strung on a vine,
Our heart-shaped leaves, a testament to long-favored Love Magic.
We open and open, and on the breeze of a dying summer,
Our nocturnal blooms release their intoxicating perfume!
A sweet—warm—fragrance…enough to make witches fly!

Yes, we are a potion of poison—
But an aide to Healers and Diviners!
Sister Nightshade, Bittersweet Belladonna,
We are both Darkness and Light!
A Dreaming Datura—medicinal magic…

We are Moonflowers of the Night!

By Nancy Duncan  2016
 {all photos courtesy of Pinterest}

~ Blessed be ~