Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Apothecary ~

Used to be,
that when in need of medicine or beauty products
we would walk to our local Apothecary….

in my mind I imagine them to be dimly-lit & clove-scented ~
quiet, dark & cool...

we would discreetly ask the pharmacist or druggist
for the perfect remedy for our situation…

were you suffering from hysteria? 
bad nerves? baldness perhaps?
was your child unruly, coughing & colic-y?

try this:

beautifully bottled and displayed, but
most medicines contained cocaine, morphine, strychnine…

were you too skinny? 
then you needed:

loverly labels
 a visit to your local apothecary would ensure you a cure for your ailment…

Tooth Powders, Pastes, Rub & Ointments ~ Anchovy Paste too!

in our homes, we would also have 
medicine cabinets
stocked to overfilling with the latest & greatest cure-alls at arms reach…


... long gone are the beautiful Spencerian scripted prescriptions 
penned by our pharmacist's hand ~
today's medications are called in over the phone, emailed or faxed
then bottled up in an amber colored plastic bottle…

be careful with this one….you might either get drunk or die.

Blessed be!