Monday, July 21, 2014

Needles and Pins and household chores ~

Needles and Pins
Needles and Pins….
When a Witch marries
...her Trouble Begins ~

Being a farm witch is no easy task ~
everyday there are many chores to do…
"I'm gathering fallen twigs to make our brooms,
then sweeping the dust & cobwebs from my farmhouse"

Making sure to talk to our trees ~
and listening to what they have to say in return…

"…so I said…"she has GOT to be kidding,
...going out in public with her petticoat showing like that…"

 Gathering cobwebs from the barn 
to use in our spinning, weaving & lacemaking…

"left over right, under and over, right over left & back again ~"

 Foraging & Gathering for our food ~

"…would you prefer toadstool tartlets or fungi fricassee for supper tonight dearie?…"

and of course, it's no easy task keeping the home-fires burning
... to cook a stew or dye some linen & wool ~ 

boil bubble toil & trouble...

The most important thing for a farm witch to remember, is to take time out for herself ~
all work and no play makes us very terse and irritable:
so remember to PLAY!!!!

{all photos courtesy of Pinterest ~ except that last one ~ yeah, that is me….}

Brightest Blessings ~