Friday, April 29, 2011

the Witches Garden Sampler ~

yes, I know....
not much progress this week,

it was school vacation,
we had the in-laws here all last week
I had a couple of other deadlines to meet...
SOOoooo ~

here it is so far;

Witches Garden

rumor has it that I started this last year...
yes, the rumor is true.

I want this sampler to be beautiful,
full of different & interesting things to stitch ~

a different band under each line of wording,

and finally, a great 'bottom' ~

I'm making a promise to myself
and you...

to work on this everyday and share more pics of progress...

I'll use this blog as a window into it's completion.

and yes,
it will be available as a pattern...


Hoping you all have a magickal day filled with all things creative!!

Blessed be!